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Difficulty | Easy |
Machine | Linux |
This is an easy challenge of THM rated at 120 minute.
So I started the box I first scanned with NMAP.
Found two services running on most common default port.
On website this was the interface I was greeted with:
So then I started enumerating the directory
Found an unusual directory so I checked it!
Hmm seems like a hint remove /dev123....
Lets check it out
Woah! a login page with client side authentication lets see where it redirects to.
Hmm a interesting note.
- stop reusing credential hmm… remember those client side authenticated user and pass?
- hm and it says change ftp port to normal
Scanning All Ports#
Lets start scanning the all the possible port using Nmap.
we can use -p-
option to check all the possible port which is 0 to 65535
Hmm~ This must be it the ftp server he mentioned in abnormal port.
Lets try to login with the creds that we got in JS file.
:) Logged In!
Analaysing PCAP File#
Lets download those files and see what it contains!
So after digging up the PCAP file one by one I found another interesting creds.
I am using this website called
which nicely shows the http connections and other connections in a good friendly UI.
So lets try to use that cred in SSH!
Ok we logged in and we got our user flag. yay!!! Noice ~
Now Lets see what we got more in this machine lets try to enumerate so we can get a privilege access. I find there is a strange file named valleyAuthentication
Lets pull that bad boy in our machine and analyse.
Scan it up !
Reversing The Binary#
Hmm UPX compressed elf binary huh! lets decompress it :D
Ok now its ready to be analysed!
Found some hash its a md5 hash (I know it cause the binary contained md5 string)
Lets decrypt it
So we now know username: valley password: liberty123
Privillege Escalation#
Lets login into SSH!
Logged in!
I tried sudo -l
but it didn’t have any permission so I started basic enumeration searching for cron
Found it!
Lets check crontab.
Interesting file photosEncrypt hmm! Lets see what it got!
oh a b64encode encryption wow :) (actually its a encoding scheme :nerdemoji: )
Lets try to modify the python package and inject our own code shall we :)
We can find the package in that directory now lets modify it to get a root shell!
Lets start listening for connection in port 1337
using our NCAT.
Bomb has been planted
Lets wait :D!
Well well well now that was easy ( jk )